A Journey

This blog is about a journey...a continuously moving target of a journey about an everyday woman. A sometimes funny, sometimes difficult journey....but a journey nonetheless.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Progress, not Perfection

I feel so humbled to have found out that someone is actually reading this ...you might be the only one....lol.....and thank you ♡

And I also realized that even though doing a Muchness challenge off of Facebook was the inspiration for getting this blog going again, I haven't even mentioned it once.  And I think it's because things kind of went a different direction shortly after I got going.  But that's not to say that I am not finding some bit of joy each day, it's just not all bright, obvious, sparkly joy. 

It's in a hug, a smile, a passing stranger saying hello, a random compliment - both given and received.  It's also been in restraint. Weird right? But sometimes NOT saying something, or NOT reacting or NOT doing something is a success.  Especially if by not doing those things, you preserve peace, yours and/or someone else's.

But there is a fine line as well....when does compromise and peacekeeping change to not communicating effectively? When do you begin to set your own needs aside to keep a fragile peace? I'm teetering daily, but I'd say I'm walking the line most of the time. 

Progress, not perfection.  That is my goal right now and when I lay down each night and can feel that I've accomplished something in that realm, it's a mental sparkly moment.

And on that note, tomorrow morning is my first boot camp, 5:45am!!!! And it's 10:00pm.....I need to be thinking about getting to bed!