A Journey

This blog is about a journey...a continuously moving target of a journey about an everyday woman. A sometimes funny, sometimes difficult journey....but a journey nonetheless.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Falling down and getting back up

It's been a few days since I posted, but work has literally been a bitch.  A lot of work going on and it's a serious buzz kill.  And it's hard on a girl trying to be good with her diet, and herself.  My idea of "if I didn't bring it, I don't eat it" got it's value proven.

I did that so well all week last week.  That is a huge success.  But Saturday was another full work day, and with not being in that mindset Friday night, I didn't pack my lunch.  I knew we had potluck leftovers (including healthy stuff) so I wasn't too worried about lunch.  But I stopped on the way to work and got a fast food breakfast.  Pretty much a fail.  But not total failure because I did at least pass up on getting the 2 dozen donuts I normally would have, so that was a success.  I'd be lying if I said it was easy having to pick and choose food items that were "fair game" but I felt pretty good about my overall choices.

The rest of the weekend was spent baking.  I know? What in the hell was I thinking??? Me? Hungry? Compulsive? Baking?  yep.  And if I said I didn't have a single bite of anything, that would be a lie.  I did pick, but not nearly to the extent of past digressions....and I didn't hide those bites, which would be my usual M.O.  But I'd also be lying if I said I didn't have more than I should have.

I only had about a day and half off this weekend, and I tried to use up all the time wisely.  I baked goodies for my work friends and I spent time with my family.  A nice long hike, a treasure hunt for things little boys think are valuable and lots of fresh air which was good. 

I realized I was having trouble refocusing on the abstinence from food I am supposed to be working on.  And then I realized I hadn't been to one of my meetings in a week, so I made time to go to one today and boy am I ever glad that I did.  It re-invigorated me to think about what I am doing: What am I putting in my mouth?  Why am I putting it there?  What was I thinking when I did it?  It goes back to eating my feelings.  Feeling less than something, feeling left out and feeling a little neglected...those answers and more.  And I need to find a way to re-direct the coping skills to something far more productive than baking or worse, eating.  One thing I did forget today was my little journal to track all this stuff...again, the importance of using the tools that I have is proven.  They obviously work and I need to use them.  I can't do this the way I always have, it's proven NOT to work.

So, I did fall down a bit this weekend, but I think I get points for having recognized and pulled back sooner than later and giving myself a better opportunity to overcome....and get back up again.

Tomorrow is another day and I will use my tools, I will pay attention to my thoughts and feelings and I will forgive myself in all the right ways.  Not by rewarding myself with food, but with self love and self respect.  I see that I am seriously lacking both.

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