A Journey

This blog is about a journey...a continuously moving target of a journey about an everyday woman. A sometimes funny, sometimes difficult journey....but a journey nonetheless.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Get Outside

After a couple of really busy days at work (and still working today and tomorrow), it was nice to be able to get out of the house with my family and go for a walk.  We headed first to Coronado Island, had a nice lunch in an "Irish" pub, walked some of the side streets with their quaint houses, and then headed down to the harbor.  We found that our worries of cold were for naught since it was a beautiful evening down there.

It seems the change of scenery was good for us all.  The boys played in a park for a bit and there was an ease and comfort in holding hands and walking that hadn't been there for a while.  I think that is something that should be an easy thing to work on.......touch.  The kind that comforts and just says "I know you're here.  And I want to be here with you." It means a lot and I didn't consciously realize how much I'd missed it.  I'll happily work on that.

Bad side of the long walk in my new cozy Ugg boots.....my foot and ankle are KILLING me again tonight, and I was doing so well :(  Back to ice, rest and ibuprofen.

Early to bed tonight with sweeter dreams.

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