A Journey

This blog is about a journey...a continuously moving target of a journey about an everyday woman. A sometimes funny, sometimes difficult journey....but a journey nonetheless.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

New Rules....New Spaces

****this is a late published post from 12/9/15****

So far so good.

I'm working from home today, and this new space creates a need for new rules.  I have a pantry and a refrigerator and they're only feet from where I'm sitting.  This is where planning is crucial.

Last night I went to the grocery store and I bought fresh fruit, baby cucumbers and carrots, yogurt and planned a dinner that would leave me healthy leftovers for lunch.  And so far, so good!  I made a healthy breakfast, snacked on my cucumbers and carrots, ate my leftovers and a yogurt for dessert.  And I have had a LOT of water today, at home it's easy to grab a Diet Coke, but so far, nearly 9 glasses of water.  Feeling pretty dang proud of that, and not raiding the seemingly never ending supply of kids Halloween candy.

Between this success today, and the consistent gym and walking workouts this week, I'm feeling pretty damn good.

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