I'm so excited!!!!
First, I have been eyeballing a class that goes on at my gym, they use battle ropes and all kinds of stuff (which I LOVE, so much more interesting that just machines). But I've been way too intimidated to just show up.
But I talked to the lady who teaches the class (who I've been talking to every day in the locker rooms, just put two and two together that she teaches) and she told me it's a Boot Camp class and that I should definitely take it. She assured me that they have modifications for everything if you have any limitations (endurance anyone?????) but that makes me feel better. So Tuesday morning.......5:45am. I'll be there.
As for the post title......it was birthday day in the department and there is a ginormous cupcake cake with frosting about 14 inches thick (only a slight exaggeration) and while I have no interest in that frosting, I was highly tempted by the actual cupcake. But check this out: I'm eating apples instead. Yes, because I planned and packed apple slices and baby cucumber slices to keep from being too hungry before our vendor lunch (which was another HUGE success today - small tomato soup and a mixed greens salad with grilled chicken.......YAY ME!!!). So I have my apples, no cupcake, and I'm happy about that. More baby steps.
In Apples vs Cupcakes: Today, apples win :-)
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