A Journey

This blog is about a journey...a continuously moving target of a journey about an everyday woman. A sometimes funny, sometimes difficult journey....but a journey nonetheless.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Food and Exercise.....It's On!

Despite what it seems like, I think about this blog a lot; what I'll write, what should or shouldn't be in it, do I have pictures?  That's all throughout my day.....and then I get home at night and after dinner, homework, etc., I'm asleep.

I feel as though I have finally gotten my head in a better place for tackling my eating.  This week I got out to the grocery store with a plan.  The plan included healthy dinners, and supplies for breakfast and lunches as well.  I tried my hand at meal prepping for the week and made all the food I need for lunches.  That includes chicken breasts (I made three, cut in half to 6 perfectly sized pieces and used three different seasonings so I have some variety), a large batch of fresh green beans and quinoa.  For the quinoa I added some Ro-Tel diced tomatoes and sweet corn, so yummy.  I've even had the quinoa for breakfast which was so satisfying.  This morning I had Ezekiel toast with avocado and a soft boiled egg, some sweet potato and fresh blackberries.

Here is yesterday, breakfast and lunch:

And today's breakfast:

And dinner last night.....baked salmon, Brussels sprouts and wild brown rice and quinoa.

So that's the food side of things, now for the exercise.  My foot is finally feeling way better, and I've been slowly adding time and load on it.  I got in a couple walks over the weekend, plus play time in the snow (yay for our local mountains!) and bootcamp yesterday.  In fact yesterday was the first time I felt like I really worked my ass off in bootcamp.  For one reason, my foot, but also I think because I worked out with someone new (I usually work the circuit with an old friend, and we chat), but we didn't get counted off the same yesterday and got split off.  I worked out with a guy named Chris who has been taking the class about the same amount of time as me and where I started to quit, he pushed, and shockingly when he started to quit on burpees, I talked him into one more.  It felt great to walk out of there so sweaty and tired.

Woke up early and took a 2.25 mile walk this morning and if work isn't too crazy (I work from home today), I'll try to get 30 mins in the garage with some weights and bodyweight work.

This is the first time in quite a while that I'm feeling in control and positive about both my food choices and my exercise.  Each successful day builds the confidence to take on the next one, so I'll continue taking that as I can.  Keeping keeping on.

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