A Journey

This blog is about a journey...a continuously moving target of a journey about an everyday woman. A sometimes funny, sometimes difficult journey....but a journey nonetheless.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Ass Whoopings and Victories

It's Friday morning and I am wiped out.

First, getting up at 4:45 am for Boot Camp classes on Tuesday and Thursday and then again for a Spin class this morning.  OMG at the Spin class.  I have not been that physically exhausted from exercise in a long time. There is serious sweat in that class.  As in, my forearms were sweating and dripping on the floor.  Yes. My forearms.  My body had nowhere else to let it come out, it was flowing everywhere lol

But I did it.  So far out of my comfort zone but I did it.  The instructor told me I could take a break on the gears (basically the "incline" on the bike) but I actually kept up with those.  What I couldn't do so well:  the standing up and pedaling.  When did my legs get so weak????  I did finally do a few sets, AND the sprints. But OMG.  I'm tired.  I've also gotten in a couple garage workouts this week and a long walk with the dog.

And work today started with a sucker punch.  I basically didn't get something done and got my ass handed to me by my boss above my boss....you know that one.  Anyway, it sucked. Large.  I cried.  I might still be easily moved to cry again.  And that all sucks.

But there is a victory in there.  I am not eating my feelings. I am not running to the vending machine with all my money for chips and chocolate. I'm sticking with the food I brought, having my mid morning snack of vanilla greek yogurt and blueberries.  I'll be damned if I can add another reason to feel bad today so meal prep is saving my day!

Here's to whatever victories you can claim!