So, I've been doing it. Taking care of myself again and doing what I need to. Yes, that means diet and exercise, which could be boring and hard but I've decided to try to make it fun. Make it a challenge. See, I'm a kind of competitive girl. So there is a weight loss challenge going on at work and I joined. There is a money prize at the end and I'm always motivated by extra money!
So that challenge got me kick started. Not to mention talking with someone who doesn't know me, but is someone who knows anyone she talks to. She re-inspired and re-focused me on the issues I need to address with both my weight and my health. But she did it so postively and with a loving message, something I really needed.
I have made it to the gym three times in each of the last two weeks, and I have to admit that despite the early mornings to do it, I'm enjoying being back. And get this: I'm doing the elliptical. Yes. Me. The elliptical. See, if you don't know me, you don't realize that I FEAR the elliptical. Wait, change that, FEARED the elliptical. I used to do 3-5 minutes and that was me done. But with the ankle problems I have, the treadmill and other impact activities are kinda out for me so I have to do the elliptical if I want to work out pain free. So I decided to start small....5minutes, 10 minutes and yesterday....25 minutes straight on the elliptical. For me, that is MONUMENTAL!!! And do you know what??? If I hadn't need to go get ready for work, I think I might actually have eeked out another 2 or 3 And then another challenge...the gym is doing a 6 week weight loss challenge so I bought into that one too. So now competitive me has TWO potential money awards...hehehe...whatever it takes right?
But I'm down 6 pounds and I feel good about it. I feel good about all of it and that's what I intend to carry into the coming week with me. I read a book a while back called "Confessions of a Former Fat Girl" and seriously, she could have been me. Her attitude, personality, everything...and she was right about one secret. Start moving. Once you start realizing that you can do that, that you are strong and capable, the rest will follow. And it is following. But with that I have to say....I may be following, but here I come!
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