A friend posted something today on Facebook that said: If you expect good things to happen, they do.
I want so badly for that to be true. I want to be able to set expectations for things and have them come true. I want to expect that I will conquer the weight this time. I want to expect that my children will always be well behaved. I want to expect that my husband will always think I'm sexy and funny and beautiful. I want to expect that my job will be there in the morning. I want to expect that my friends and family will be healthy and happy. I want to expect that I would have just one more healthy pregnancy.
I have a lot more expectations, and I have a lot of wishes. I wish I could get more motivated to lose weight and I wish that I could expect more of myself and live up to it. I have such good intentions everyday when I start out, but at some point, I just say "Screw it". It might be stress at work, it might be stress from home...or something might just look really freaking yummy and I figure tomorrow is another day. And I always forgive myself....or do I? I don't know if I do or if I ignore myself, which is much more likely.
If I expect my children to be courteous and respectful to others, shouldn't I expect myself to be respectful and courteous to me? If I expect my employees to perform to a certain standard, shouldn't I expect myself to perform to a higher standard? I could go on and on....and yes, I should expect more of myself. And that in itself is an expectation.
So tonight, I'm going to expect myself to follow through. To follow through on what I promise myself at the beginning of the day. And I'm going to expect myself to tell you about it tomorrow.
That is my expectation....small, but a start right?
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